Monday, January 7, 2019

Whole30 Round 3...begins tomorrow 1.7.19

It’s a new year which means it’s time for #JanuaryWhole30 I have been wanting to do another round but since last fall but with a lot going on and all the holiday’s I figured it would be best to wait until the new year so tomorrow I start with round 3.  I could not be more excited to get back to eating normal wholesome food, I have been following a Paleo style food plan since my last round in May and it’s been really good for me.  I have still been losing weight, I even made it through the holiday’s down a few pounds verse me going completely off and gaining a bunch of weight.  I have never felt so good but I still have some more work to do which is why I want to do another round. 

A few weeks ago I sent a message out on Facebook to see if anyone would be interested in doing this next round with me, I really didn’t think anyone would respond which was totally fine with me as I did my last round on my own and then I had a few friends who reached out and said they would do with me.  I couldn’t believe it, I was almost surprised but excited to have others join me on this awesome journey.  Since most of the ladies who reached out to me to join were not familiar with the program I decided to host my very first Whole30 Kickoff Luncheon at my house that way I could take the time to go over the program, meal planning and answer any questions they may have before committing to this journey.  Everyone was in to come and check it out, so I cooked two Whole30 meals, printed out a bunch of materials from the Whole30 website, created meal plans, measurement sheets and extra notes for everyone coming.  This was a real opportunity for me to share my experience and journey on this program and how much it has changed my life.  After spending a few hours go over the program, meal planning and answering questions I wasn’t sure if they would still be interested in doing it with me but they all said yes they wanted to move forward and do it.  Well now I was on cloud 9, I was even more excited to do this round as I now have many others doing it with me.  I feel very lucky and thankful that I will be able to mentor and coach all these ladies through this amazing journey.

Tomorrow it all begins once I come Round 3 and I’m ready to kick some butt.  My goal this time around to is to be an example for others by leading and mentoring them daily.  I will also be starting my triathlon and half marathon training so this will really help me learn what foods work for me during my training for the next several months.  I want to gain some of the “Tiger Blood” energy back, sleep better and just overall get myself back on a normal eating plan.  Since I haven’t really gotten back to eating regular sugar I don’t think that will be a problem as I only eat Coconut Palm Sugar, Maple Syrup and Honey which I really watch.  My biggest struggle will be potato chips as I love crunch and salt but it will be good for me to give those up for the next 30 day’s.  I will continue to journey when I can about my Non-Scale victories, my daily food pictures and workouts that I can get in.  I will then follow up with my results after this round is done along with a blog post about all the others that joined me and how to worked for them. 

Let’s get this party I come Whole30 Round 3!

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Weekly Food Menu - 1.15.24 to 1.21.24 (Clean Eating)

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