Thursday, March 28, 2019

Whole30 Round 4 Week 1 - Workouts and Training

Monday 3.18.19
Today was my first day back on Whole30, I did not think I would go back on this so soon but with my race only 3 weeks away I need to get my butt in gear and get my training underway.  Now normally Monday’s are my weight training days and meal food prep days but I could not past up the beautiful day so I decided to get my riding gear on and head out the door for a morning ride.  I ended up riding one of my normal routes hoping I would just make it there and home.  I ended up having a great ride, don’t be wrong my legs were tired and sore and I had a weird side stitch but I pushed through.  I was very happy once I got home and realized that I could still make it there and back as that was the same distance I will be doing when I race in a few weeks.  Now as far as speed I have a lot of work to do on that as I was much slower than I would like but that’s what happens when time is taken off.  So today’s workout was a huge success and I’m glad I decided to go out and enjoy the nice weather. 

Tuesday 3.19.19
Well it was another beautiful day out today, today was suppose to be my double workout day.  I was suppose to run in the morning and then head to the gym for an indoor swim session but I’m sad and disappointed to say that my eye was not feeling it today.  I did not feel comfortable going into the pool with my eye yet, tomorrow marks 4 weeks and that is when I’m technically allowed to go in so one more day of rest won’t kill me.  Even though I was not able to make it to the pool I did go for a run to get some miles and conditioning in as I definitely need that.  My legs were feeling sore but that is expected after running this past weekend and yesterdays bike ride.  It was not my best run but it also was not my worst run so I’m just thankful that I was even able to run.  Every step and mile count even if I’m slow..hahaha.

Wednesday 3.20.19
Today marks 4 weeks since I had my eye surgery done, which is great news since I haven’t really been able to do any kinds of workouts.  Today I decided to try out the pool for a swim workout and see how I felt.  I was nervous about my eye in the pool but I wore my contacts and swimming goggles to help.  I ended up swimming for 60 mins and felt great, well the first couple hundred meters I was struggling to breath but then I got into a rhythm and felt good.  My eye ended up being okay thank goodness, it was a little dry after my swim but overall it was good.  I’m happy I was able to finally get that in since I’m less than 4 weeks away to race day. 

Thursday 3.21.19
It’s day 4 of this round and I’m happy to say I got my workout in today before getting my hair done.  I went for a 46 min run for a total of 4 miles, I’m very happy with that since I’m going on my fourth day working out in a row.  I will be happy when the sore stage is over but then again I don’t think it’s ever over.  Lol

Friday 3.22.19
Woke up feeling blah today which means I may not be drinking enough water or I didn’t get enough sleep last night.  Either way today is my day to ride so I have a choice to either do it on the indoor trainer or outside, with today’s beautiful weather I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do it outside.  In the past I don’t like riding outside during the weeks when my husband is not home in case I get a flat and need help with changing it or having someone pick me up.  I told myself I need to get over that fear and just do it, especially that my neighbor told me she would help me out if I need to be picked up.  So I overcame my fear and went for an outdoor ride and it was amazing.  I rode 13.7 miles in under 1 hour which is record time for me, considering I did that same route on Wednesday and shaved off 5 minutes which is huge for me.  I’m very proud of myself for not giving up and just going out to get it done, it’s much better than doing it on my trainer.  

Saturday 3.23.19
Well I’m sad to say I didn’t get a workout in today, it was a weird morning as it was suppose to rain and then my daughters had soccer games throughout the day and I wasn’t prepared to run before their games.  So no workout for me today.

Sunday 3.24.19
Since I wasn’t able to get my run in yesterday I decided to do it today before my daughters soccer game.  I ran 50 minutes for 4.22 miles, it was windy, hot and tough out there today plus I was running in a new area that I was not familiar with so having a new route was a little distracting.  Today was suppose to be my long ride day but with the girls game schedules I couldn’t make it work and trying to do two workouts would not have worked.  I’m happy I at least got a run in so I don’t feel as guilty as I did yesterday.  

Week 1 is officially over and I had an awesome training week!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Whole30 Round 4 Begins Tomorrow....March 18th, 2019

After my last round in January I swore I was done with Whole30 for a while as I knew I had a lot of training ahead of me for my up coming races and was so ready to get 2019 started off on the right foot.  But then I found out at the end of January that I needed to get Retina surgery done on my left eye and since I procrastinated from getting it done last August due to my racing schedule my doctor told me I needed to get in as soon as possible.  I scheduled the first available date which wasn’t until last February, timing it to recover fast enough so I could stick with my training plan and hopefully recovery quickly.  Well that was not the case at all, instead it was a very painful procedure that has now kept me out for almost 4 weeks.  So between the stress of that surgery, the lack of doing nothing for last 4 weeks and having two sets of family come into town in between all of that has really set me back.  I was not expecting to fall off the wagon but eating out, drinking wine and making too many yummy Paleo desserts has really dug up my sugar dragon and I don’t feel as in control as I was a few months ago.  After looking at the dates and realizing that I only have 3 weeks until my first sprint triathlon of this season I really need to crack down and get myself ready both mentally and physically so what better time than to do another round of Whole30.  I’m excited to get back on a normal routine and with many double workouts ahead for the next several weeks I really need for my nutrition to be spot on, I’m happy to get back on clean eating and cut out all that sugar at the same time I’m nervous about the sugar detox as that first week is the toughest and just anticipating that really stinks.  I know that flushing myself out with water for the first week is key but that also means living next to a bathroom all week...hahaha.  I’m hoping with all my workouts that will help my body absorb the water and keep me hydrated too.

My goals this round is to really focus on my measurements, last round I was not very successful with weight loss or losing inches so I really want to step it up this time around and focus on my weight training along with all my swimming, cycling and running to really help tone up.  I have lost a lot of weight but now it’s time to tone it up and get ready for summer.  I forgot to do all my measurements, weigh in and before pictures the day before I started so I did it all Monday before my first meal.  Here are my before pictures for this round:

I will post all my measurements when this round is done as I really want to see what the difference is before and after this round.  The good news is that I have a few challenges with my running club that I will be doing and will share once I start that and I have four up coming races that I will be training for so that will help with my workouts and keeping me on track with my goals.  I will try and do a better job of posting my journey on a weekly bases along with pictures of my food and workouts to share along the way.  It’s important to keep myself accountable and what better way to do that then to share it on my blog with others. Lets see how this round goes and I’m excited for the challenge and to stay motivated.  Let the next journey begin!


Sunday, March 17, 2019

Whole30 Round 4 Week 1 - Meal Plan 3.18.19 to 3.24.19

Meal 1: Veggie Hash with Eggs and fresh fruit (Blackberries)
Meal 2: Curry Chicken Salad in Lettuce Cups with grapes or strawberries
Meal 3: Instant Pot Spiced Coconut Chicken with  cumin cauliflower rice
Snacks: Pre-workout - Banana Post workout - Celery with Almond Butter and Chopped Dates

Meal 1:  Veggie Hash with Eggs and fresh fruit (Blackberries)
Meal 2:  Leftover dinner or Curry Chicken Salad in lettuce cups with grapes
Meal 3:  Sweet Potato and Jalapeño Turkey Stew (Slow Cooker)
Snacks: Pre-workout - Apple with Almond Butter, Post-workout - Chicken and Beets

Meal 1: Veggie Hash with Eggs and fresh fruit (Blackberries)
Meal 2: Leftover Dinner Sweet Potato and Jalapeño Turkey Stew
Meal 3: Instant Pot Green Curry Turkey & Noodle Bowls
Snacks: Pre-workout - Banana and Almond Butter, Post-workout - Curry Chicken Salad

Meal 1: Veggie Hash with Eggs and fresh fruit (Strawberries)
Meal 2: Leftover Dinner Green Curry Turkey & Noodle Bowls
Meal 3: Italian Sausage Soup
Snacks: Pre-workout - Apple with Almond Butter, Post-workout - Curry Chicken Salad

Meal 1: Leftover dinner or Turkey Bacon, Eggs and Avocado
Meal 2: Leftover dinner or Warm Salmon & Potato Salad
Meal 3: Almond-Crusted Turkey Cutlets Piccala with Zoodles
Snacks: Pre-workout - Banana and Almond Butter, Post-Workout - Chicken and Beets

Meal 1: Leftover dinner or Turkey Bacon, Eggs and Avocado
Meal 2: Leftover dinner or Warm Salmon & Potato Salad
Meal 3: Asian Turkey and Carrot Noodle Bowls
Snacks: Pre-workout - Apple with Almond Butter, Post-workout - Chicken and Sweet Potato

Meal 1: Leftover dinner or Turkey Bacon, Eggs and Avocado
Meal 2: Leftover dinner or Warm Salmon & Potato Salad
Meal 3: Cincinnati Chili Butternut Noodle Bowls (Slow Cooker)
Snacks: Pre-workout - Banana with Almond Butter, Post-workout - Chicken and Sweet Potato

I didn’t think I would do another round so soon but with family coming to visit, wine drinking and lots of yummy Paleo desserts I figured it might be a good time to get back on Whole30 before I get too out of control.  Tomorrow I start my 4th round and I’m very excited to get back on track.  Here is next weeks meal plan, I used my two favorite Whole30 Cookbooks the Slow Cooker and Fast and Easy for this weeks meals.  Tomorrow begins Day 1 on this next round....let the fun begin!

Weekly Meal Plan - 1.1.25 to 1.5.25 (Paleo, Whole30, Keto)

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