Monday 3.18.19
Today was my first day back on Whole30, I did not think I would go back on this so soon but with my race only 3 weeks away I need to get my butt in gear and get my training underway. Now normally Monday’s are my weight training days and meal food prep days but I could not past up the beautiful day so I decided to get my riding gear on and head out the door for a morning ride. I ended up riding one of my normal routes hoping I would just make it there and home. I ended up having a great ride, don’t be wrong my legs were tired and sore and I had a weird side stitch but I pushed through. I was very happy once I got home and realized that I could still make it there and back as that was the same distance I will be doing when I race in a few weeks. Now as far as speed I have a lot of work to do on that as I was much slower than I would like but that’s what happens when time is taken off. So today’s workout was a huge success and I’m glad I decided to go out and enjoy the nice weather.
Tuesday 3.19.19
Well it was another beautiful day out today, today was suppose to be my double workout day. I was suppose to run in the morning and then head to the gym for an indoor swim session but I’m sad and disappointed to say that my eye was not feeling it today. I did not feel comfortable going into the pool with my eye yet, tomorrow marks 4 weeks and that is when I’m technically allowed to go in so one more day of rest won’t kill me. Even though I was not able to make it to the pool I did go for a run to get some miles and conditioning in as I definitely need that. My legs were feeling sore but that is expected after running this past weekend and yesterdays bike ride. It was not my best run but it also was not my worst run so I’m just thankful that I was even able to run. Every step and mile count even if I’m slow..hahaha.
Wednesday 3.20.19
Today marks 4 weeks since I had my eye surgery done, which is great news since I haven’t really been able to do any kinds of workouts. Today I decided to try out the pool for a swim workout and see how I felt. I was nervous about my eye in the pool but I wore my contacts and swimming goggles to help. I ended up swimming for 60 mins and felt great, well the first couple hundred meters I was struggling to breath but then I got into a rhythm and felt good. My eye ended up being okay thank goodness, it was a little dry after my swim but overall it was good. I’m happy I was able to finally get that in since I’m less than 4 weeks away to race day.
Thursday 3.21.19
It’s day 4 of this round and I’m happy to say I got my workout in today before getting my hair done. I went for a 46 min run for a total of 4 miles, I’m very happy with that since I’m going on my fourth day working out in a row. I will be happy when the sore stage is over but then again I don’t think it’s ever over. Lol
Friday 3.22.19
Woke up feeling blah today which means I may not be drinking enough water or I didn’t get enough sleep last night. Either way today is my day to ride so I have a choice to either do it on the indoor trainer or outside, with today’s beautiful weather I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do it outside. In the past I don’t like riding outside during the weeks when my husband is not home in case I get a flat and need help with changing it or having someone pick me up. I told myself I need to get over that fear and just do it, especially that my neighbor told me she would help me out if I need to be picked up. So I overcame my fear and went for an outdoor ride and it was amazing. I rode 13.7 miles in under 1 hour which is record time for me, considering I did that same route on Wednesday and shaved off 5 minutes which is huge for me. I’m very proud of myself for not giving up and just going out to get it done, it’s much better than doing it on my trainer.
Saturday 3.23.19
Well I’m sad to say I didn’t get a workout in today, it was a weird morning as it was suppose to rain and then my daughters had soccer games throughout the day and I wasn’t prepared to run before their games. So no workout for me today.
Sunday 3.24.19
Since I wasn’t able to get my run in yesterday I decided to do it today before my daughters soccer game. I ran 50 minutes for 4.22 miles, it was windy, hot and tough out there today plus I was running in a new area that I was not familiar with so having a new route was a little distracting. Today was suppose to be my long ride day but with the girls game schedules I couldn’t make it work and trying to do two workouts would not have worked. I’m happy I at least got a run in so I don’t feel as guilty as I did yesterday.
Week 1 is officially over and I had an awesome training week!!!