Thursday, May 31, 2018

Whole30 Round 2 Week 1 - Daily Journey

Wednesday 5/23/18 - Day 1
Well today begins another journey for me as I begin my second round of Whole30 and I could not be more excited to do this again.  I learned a lot the first time around and even though it was tough I enjoyed the experience.  I took a few months off to transition to a more Paleo Lifestyle which was awesome and I still managed to lose weight however with summer here I wanted to step it up a notch and combine another round of Whole30 with a full training workout plan to see how I would do with both at the same time.  I'm hoping for much different results this time around now, at this point it's not about weight loss it's about testing my body and getting it stronger.  Cleaning up my nutrition and working out daily will help achieve new goals and challenges, this is a base line for me and my future training for triathlons as I have heard may good things about this process.  Day 1 was awesome for me, using my daily meal menu helps as it keeps me on track with what I need to be eating and takes all the guessing workout of it.  I went to a local gym and did 60 minutes of strength training which was a killer workout, I really tried to keep the weight low since I had a lot of reps to do and still wanted to walk the next day so we will see how I feel in a few day's and then I will tweak what I need to so I don't over do the muscles, I still need them for my other sports.  Overall I felt great today, my energy was awesome but that's the case on day 1 we will see how tomorrow is.  I made it through my first day again and feeling very hopefully this time!  See my daily workout and pictures under my "Workout" tab.

Non-Scale Victories (NSV)
  1. Made the choice to start another round of this journey
  2. Made to the gym for a killer workout
  3. Stuck with my meal plan

Thursday 5/24/18 - Day 2     
Woke up feeling sore today, no surprise there which means I over did it too much with yesterday's workout so now I need to go back and adjust my weights on each circuit which is okay with me.  The worst part is I'm going to feel like these now for a few day's so what better way to deal with it by working those muscle groups again..oh sounds like so much fun.  My older daughter was home sick today and we were running around all morning between doctor visits, getting a few groceries and then back and forth to the pharmacy to get her prescription so my day was out of sorts as I was suppose to got to the gym to get my swim in but that didn't happen.  I ended up doing an indoor trainer ride on my bike around 7:45pm after our kids went to bed.  It was a long day so it was perfect for me to get in a tough workout and I did just that, I ended up doing intervals and sweat my butt off, my mat got nice and wet which is a great thing.  It felt really good to get an awesome workout in and it helped loosen up my legs.  Nutritionally I had another great day, stuck to my meal plan and had a snack after my workout as I was pretty hungry but it was Whole30 compliant.  Overall it was another great day, loving all my new recipes and not feeling tired at all which tells me that what I was doing with Paleo before didn't effect me as much as I thought it did.  I really watched my sugar intake only sticking with coconut palm sugar and maple syrup.  I was worried I would be crashing again this time around but I haven't been and that's such a good feeling.  

Non-Scale Victories (NSV)
  1. Being able to walk and get out of bed this morning 
  2. Still managed to get my workout in even if it was later tonight
  3. Pushed my self hard during my ride, intervals = sweat
Friday 5/25/18 - Day 3
Today's motivational quote in my journal was "You will NEVER know your limits until you push yourself to them." That was the perfect quote to read in the morning and gave me my motivation to do well for today.  Today's workout was in the pool swimming at our local Community Center, my body is still sore and I could feel that in the pool I ended up just doing freestyle and pulling as I was limited to time and couldn't do too long of a workout.  I swam for 32 minutes, doing 48 laps of the pool for a total distance of 1200 meters, it wasn't my best swim but I did it and I'm proud to get my workout in today.  I had another great day of nutrition using up my leftovers from the last few day's and adding extra meals for before and after my workout as swimming burns up a lot of calories.  That is the toughest part for me as I can really eat after I swim but I'm learning what I put in my body is so key both before and after.  Part of this round for me is to test and tweak with the Whole30 plan and see what works and doesn't work so when I start doing my heavy triathlon training I know what works and doesn't work.  I do use a few products during my long runs and rides that are not W30 compliant but I will test those when I'm off my program and see how they fit in during those times only.  So far I'm happy with how things are going and how my body is feeling, going into my first weekend and it happens to be a long weekend which means parties, food, drinks....oh my....this will be my first big test to see if I have any temptations and how I deal with the pressure of it all.  I have been strong the last few months so I just need to carry that with me and remind my self why I'm doing this.  Wish me luck....

Non - Scale Victories (NVS)
  1. Spending time with my little one at her morning mile at school, I couldn't run as I was too sore but I will be joining her next school year so I can increase my mileage. 
  2. Working out even though I was sore
  3. Happy about drinking natural coconut water for electrolytes 
Saturday 5/26/2018 - Day 4 
Yesterday was a long and exhausting day and I felt that this morning when waking up.  I'm not sure why I was so tired but I could tell I was dehydrated as well which is never a good feeling.  Now that it's getting hot out with me working out more I really need to pay attention to my water intake and make sure my body is getting enough.  I have struggled with that in the past and it's not a good thing, I can tell my body will not recover fast enough if I don't have enough to flush me out.  So today I made it my personal mission to try and drink 1 full gallon of water, I had my water bottle sitting out on my counter as my reminder of how much water I needed to drink.  We were invited to a friends birthday party from Lindsey's soccer team which was a lot of fun however I knew there was going to be not so good food for me and adult beverages which is a no-no for me too.  To make my life easier I decided to bring my own food, I made a nice mixed green salad with lots of veggies, hard boiled eggs, chicken and W30 Balsamic dressing along side with fresh strawberries and grapes and of course my own water bottle to make sure I stuck with my water intake.  I did managed to get in a very hot and humid workout earlier this afternoon which was not good and could have caused me to get so dehydrated, I went for what was suppose be a run ended up turning into a jog/walk as I went out at 1pm in the afternoon and it was horrible I don't know what I was thinking.  Actually I was thinking I needed to get my butt out of bed earlier and get my run done first thing in the morning and not wait until it was so hot out, I learned my lesson for next time.  Don't be lazy and get up earlier!

Non-Scale Victories (NSV)
  1. Setting a daily goal to drink 1 gallon of water
  2. Working on m blog and updating my journey
  3. Feeling proud of my self and not giving in on temptations

Sunday 5/2/72018 - Day 5
Went to bed rather late last night as Lindsey had a friend over for a sleepover and we were watching the basketball game so I woke up feeling sleeping again today.  I got sleep but not sure if I was well rested or restless last night which means another long day for me.  We ended up having friends over to hang out for a BBQ and swimming which was so much fun, we all really enjoyed our selves and the best part is that since it was at our house I got to select our food so I made sure it was Whole30 compliant.  We served some beef products, turkey burgers and of course Chicken sausage for me along with a mixed green salad, fresh fruit and a veggie tray so I was able to eat it all which made it nice for me and much easier to stick with my nutrition.  I did not have any thing to drink expect my water and almost finished my entire gallon of water.  I was not able to get my workout in today as it was late by the time everyone went home and I was exhausted so now I have to make it up on a different day.

Non-Scale Victories (NSV)
  1. Waking up not sore today
  2. Having fun and good laughs with friends
  3. Sticking to the plan!
Monday 5/28/18 - Day 6 
Wow it was a long day yesterday but I got to sleep in and enjoyed the rest and sleep for sure.  We headed off to another BBQ and pool party today but this time I'm not in charge so I had to be very careful what  ate today.  I was asked to bring a fruit tray which worked for me as I knew that was one things I could actually eat, I also found out that they were making beer canned chicken which I was okay with eating since the beer was only in a can and provided moisture into the chicken all the alcohol would have burned off so I was good to eat chicken and fruit and stuck with drinking my water.  I didn't have desserts, so no slips or cheats yesterday or today which was awesome, my first weekend on my second round and I was successful!  I did manage to get in a workout as I didn't want to miss again, I did a quick 30 mins on my bike on the trainer indoors, I made sure to workout hard and sweat my butt off again.  I was little more tired than usual so I didn't do intervals like I hoped but did do some fast spinning for the last 10 mins of my ride.  I'm glad I got it in and it felt good to get it done.  I wasn't able to do get in two workouts to cover from yesterday as I just had too much going on so I will make that up during the week.

Non-Scale Victories (NSV)
  1. Sleeping in this morning
  2. Going to a BBQ and meeting new people
  3. For tonights hockey game - Stanley Cup Finals
Tuesday 5/29/18 - Day 7
The weekend is finally over and it's back to school today for my kiddo's and work for my husband, the good news is that I made it through the weekend with flying colors I had no slips or cheats with my food and squeezed in whatever workouts I could get in with everything going on I'm happy about that for sure.  It was double workout day for me as I wanted to make sure I made up my missed workout from this past weekend, I went to the CAC and did 50 mins of strength training followed by 35 mins of walking incline intervals on the treadmill so now I'm caught up with doing 7 workouts in 7 day's and I felt great.  I stayed on track with my nutrition today even with eating a few snacks before and after my workout which I had too in order to keep me from passing out.  I don't mind eating a little extra on workout day's as my body needs the extra fuel source to get me through the day.  I ended up having a late dinner after my daughters soccer practice but I was lower in carbs as it was so close to bed time.  Overall I'm feeling really good so far and today marks my first full week completed on this second round..yay!!!!

Non-Scale Victories
  1. Being Productive even though I'm tired
  2. Double workout day!
  3. Made it through my first full week on this second round of Whole30


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Whole30 Round 2 Week 1 Menu Plan

Week 5/23/18 to 5/29/18
Wednesday 5/23
Meal 1 - Veggie Hash with Eggs 
Meal 2 - Mixed Green Salad with Veggies and Baked Chicken 
Meal 3 - Turkey Curry Meatballs with Roasted Vegetables & Lemongrass Cream Sauce 
Snacks - Apples with Cashew Butter and Unsweetened Shredded Coconut or Cherry Lara Bar with  Hard Boiled Eggs or Fresh Guacamole with cut up carrots and celery and cooked chicken

Thursday 5/24

Meal 1 - Veggie Hash with Eggs 
Meal 2 - Mixed Green Salad with Veggies and Baked Chicken 
Meal 3 - Crispy Spicy Turkey with Lemon and Herbs 
Snacks - Apples with Cashew Butter and Unsweetened Shredded Coconut or Cherry Lara Bar with  Hard Boiled Eggs or Fresh Guacamole with cut up carrots and celery and cooked chicken

Friday 5/25

Meal 1 - Veggie Hash with Eggs 
Meal 2 - Leftovers or Slow Cooker Shredded Chicken with mixed greens
Meal 3 - Roasted Roots with Chicken and small mixed green salad 
Snacks - Apples with Cashew Butter and Unsweetened Shredded Coconut or Cherry Lara Bar with  Hard Boiled Eggs or Fresh Guacamole with cut up carrots and celery and cooked chicken

Saturday 5/26

Meal 1 - Roasted Potato & Kale Hash with Eggs 
Meal 2 - Leftovers or Slow Cooker Shredded Chicken with mixed greens
Meal 3 - Going out for dinner or bring my own stuff to eat
Snacks - Apples with Cashew Butter and Unsweetened Shredded Coconut or Cherry Lara Bar with  Hard Boiled Eggs or Fresh Guacamole with cut up carrots and celery and cooked chicken

Sunday 5/27

Meal 1 - Roasted Potato & Kale Hash with Eggs 
Meal 2 - Leftovers or Slow Cooker Shredded Chicken with mixed greens
Meal 3 - Piquillo Pepper Chicken Patties on Grilled Eggplant with Caramelized Fennel Mayo
Snacks - Apples with Cashew Butter and Unsweetened Shredded Coconut or Cherry Lara Bar with  Hard Boiled Eggs or Fresh Guacamole with cut up carrots and celery and cooked chicken

Monday 5/28

Meal 1 - Roasted Potato & Kale Hash with Eggs 
Meal 2 - Leftovers or Slow Cooker Shredded Chicken with mixed greens
Meal 3 - Cherry-Chipotle BBQ Chicken Thighs with a side mixed green salad
Snacks - Apples with Cashew Butter and Unsweetened Shredded Coconut or Cherry Lara Bar with  Hard Boiled Eggs or Fresh Guacamole with cut up carrots and celery and cooked chicken

I'm ready to get round 2 week 1 under way..all these yummy recipes are from two of my newest Whole30 cookbooks.  I can't wait to cook and try them all out, I'm hoping my family loves them too as I will be cooking them Whole30 dinners for the next 30 day's.  I hope everyone has a happy and healthy cooking week!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Whole30 Round 2...starting Wednesday May 23rd

It's been about a month and a half since I completed my first round of Whole 30 and I decided to not reintroduce all foods back into my life style as most of those were my trigger foods, the only foods I brought back in was maple syrup, honey, coconut palm sugar, coconut and almond flour which are all Paleo items. I have done a really good job reading all my food labels and really staying away from processed foods.  I have decided to do another round of Whole30 but just trying to figure out the best time is the hardest part, I have noticed my "sugar dragon" has come out more than I would like which means I need to get started on Round 2 very soon.  I have family coming to visit the end of June and in July so I want to get a kick start before they come as I always seem to slip whenever we have visitors, I figure if I can start in the next few day's I can get myself back to how I was eating before and I will be less likely to want to eat crap or slip.  I have noticed that I have been in taking more "natural sugar" like coconut palm sugar or maple syrup more than I want too which could explain why I'm having more and more afternoon crashes.  I have been really craving my Paleo Iced Caramel Macchiato right around 2pm and 3pm and even though they are dairy-free and make with coconut milk and coconut palm sugar  I still feel those are helping with my afternoon crashes which I got away from when doing the Whole30, I am proud of my self for not going back to Starbucks and getting those same junky drinks so I did my best to make my own version but they can be just a dangerous I guess.  I'm not having one everyday but definitely a few times a week.  As for the rest of my food I have done very well still sticking with meats, vegetables and fruits as my main sources for food, I have continued to stay away from processed foods as I didn't like how it was making me feel and I still use a lot of dates as sweeteners in my sauces.  I have been weighing my self every few weeks to make sure I'm still losing weight and not gaining it and since I finished my first round plus going on Paleo I'm down 11 lbs total which for me is awesome but I still have much more to loss and want to make sure I stay on that track.  I wasn't sure if I was ready to do this again but I have different goals this time around and hoping for different results once again.  Since I have been getting stronger and still have lots of will power it's the perfect time for me to hit Whole30 Round 2.  

I am a little more nervous this time around as from what I have been reading the second round is almost harder than the first because you know what to expect this time around were as the first time it was all new.  I am going to take before and after pictures of my self along with my measurements and weight so I have something to compare this journey with from my previous journey.  I'm also going to create some Non-Scale Victory goals to help with milestones along my journey both personally and from a workout stand point.  I am extremely excited as I just ordered two Whole30 cookbooks, I have been borrowing them from my local library however I'm not able to renew them as they are very popular and so I wasn't able to use half of the books recipes as my time ran out.  So I used some of my leftover birthday money and just purchased them instead, I know I will use them all the time as I loved all the recipes I had tried so far.  Plus I can use them after the program to help keep me on track and as a variety for quick and easy weekly meals which I seem to need a lot more of these day's.  I will do the same as I did the first round by blogging a daily journey of my ups and downs along with my Non-Scale Victories (NSV) for the day.  I can't wait to see how this time goes and all the changes I will see in my body and hopefully with my workout performances.   I will start my first post with day 0 which will be my day to set up my goals, take my measurements, weight in and prep my first weeks meals along with a shopping list for groceries and then purchasing all my groceries so I will ready to start Day 1 on Wednesday May 23rd.

If anyone is interested in joining me on this journey please let me know as I would love the support and think it would be so much fun.  I can even create a group in Facebook for all of us to share recipe ideas along with daily motivation.  You can reach out to me on Facebook PM or if you comment below on this blog post with your information I can reach out by email as well.   

Monday, May 7, 2018

New Recipe - Paleo Iced Caramel Macchiato

Paleo Iced Caramel Macchiato

6 oz Cold Coffee Brewed or Espresso 
8 to 12 oz So Delicious Unsweetened Vanilla Coconut Milk  
1/2 to 1 cup of Ice 

Caramel Sauce:
1 can full-fat coconut milk
1/2 cup coconut sugar (coconut palm sugar)
1 tbsp Maple Syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp sea salt

1.  For the coffee - I take my leftover brewed morning coffee put it in a mason jar and place it in the fridge to get it cold to use for my iced coffees or if you have an espresso machine you can use one or two shots of brewed espresso, just pour over ice and it's just as good.

2. To make the caramel sauce, place all caramel ingredients into a medium sauce pot and set over high heat.  Stirring frequently bring the caramel to a boil.  Once boiling reduce heat to medium low but make sure to keep it at a boil.  Continue stirring frequently for about 15 minutes until it has reduced and thickened.  Set aside and cool, you can use after it cools or place it in a container and put in the fridge for a few hours until it's nice and cold.  

3.  Take a tall glass put in 1/2 cup of ice, pour cold coffee or espresso over the ice, then add the So Delicious Unsweetened Vanilla Coconut Milk and then drizzle 2 to 3 tbsp of the Caramel Sauce over top and watch it fall through the coconut milk and coffee.  You can either stir with a spoon to mix it well or I like to add the lid with the straw and swirl it around to mix it or you can just enjoy it as is with the layers.  

There you go, it's a little work at first but once you make the caramel sauce and have a bunch of left over coffee it's easy to throw together and it's perfect for an afternoon pick-me up drink that doesn't have all the extra calories and sugar a normal Starbucks Caramel Macchiato would have, plus it's Dairy-Free and Paleo friendly 

Sunday, May 6, 2018

My Journey Worth Sharing : Weekly Food Menu 5.7.18 to 5.13.18

My Journey Worth Sharing : Weekly Food Menu 5.7.18 to 5.13.18: I have been doing Paleo now for a month and I absolutely love it.  I have been very busy the last few weeks so I haven't had a ch...

Weekly Food Menu 5.7.18 to 5.13.18

I have been doing Paleo now for a month and I absolutely love it.  I have been very busy the last few weeks so I haven't had a chance to post my menu's but I'm posting this weeks as I want to change it up a bit for the family.  They have done really well supporting me with all my food choices but we all need a change so instead of doing too many Whole30 recipes I'm going to change it back to Paleo recipes from one of my favorite websites.  I will post all the links to the recipes below.  Hope everyone has a Happy and Healthy week and Happy Mother's Day on Sunday!

Monday 5/7
Meal 1: Loaded Paleo Breakfast Hash - Egg Free
Meal 2: Paleo Zucchini Pasta with Spicy Shrimp 
Meal 3: Grilled Salmon with Maple Bacon Roasted Butternut Squash
Snacks: No Bake Granola Bars with Raisins and Chocolate Chips or Hard Boiled Eggs with Fruit or Veggies 

Tuesday 5/8
Meal 1: Loaded Paleo Breakfast Hash - Egg Free
Meal 2: Paleo Zucchini Pasta with Spicy Shrimp
Meal 3: Paleo Turkey, Veggie and Bacon Bowls with Plantains
Snacks: No Bake Granola Bars with Raisins and Chocolate Chips or Hard Boiled Eggs with Fruit or Veggies 

Wednesday 5/9
Meal 1: Loaded Paleo Breakfast Hash - Egg Free
Meal 2: Leftovers or Grilled Chicken Salad with Fruit 
Meal 3: General Tso's Chicken with Cauliflower Rice
Snacks: No Bake Granola Bars with Raisins and Chocolate Chips or Hard Boiled Eggs with Fruit or Veggies 

Thursday 5/10
Meal 1: Loaded Paleo Breakfast Hash - Egg Free
Meal 2: Leftover General Tso's Chicken and Cauliflower Rice 
Meal 3: Loaded Taco Sweet Potato Skillet
Snacks: No Bake Granola Bars with Raisins and Chocolate Chips or Hard Boiled Eggs with Fruit or Veggies 

Friday 5/11
Meal 1: Leftover Loaded Taco Sweet Potato Skillet
Meal 2: Leftovers from the week or Grilled Chicken Salad 
Meal 3: Paleo Burrito Bowls with Cauliflower Rice
Snacks: No Bake Granola Bars with Raisins and Chocolate Chips or Hard Boiled Eggs with Fruit or Veggies 

Saturday 5/12
Meal 1: Lemon Blueberry Pancakes 
Meal 2: Leftover Paleo Burrito Bowls with Cauliflower Rice 
Meal 3: Crispy Baked Buffalo Chicken Wings with Non-Dairy Ranch and Veggies
Snacks: No Bake Granola Bars with Raisins and Chocolate Chips or Hard Boiled Eggs with Fruit or Veggies 

Sunday 5/13 - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Meal 1: Turkey Bacon, Eggs and Avocado with Fresh Fruit 
Meal 2: Leftover Crispy Baked Buffalo Wings
Meal 3: Special Mother's Day dinner
Snacks: No Bake Granola Bars with Raisins and Chocolate Chips or Hard Boiled Eggs with Fruit or Veggies 

This Weeks Yummy Treat is Paleo Apple Pie Bars

Weekly Meal Plan - 1.1.25 to 1.5.25 (Paleo, Whole30, Keto)

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