Wednesday, January 18, 2017

My First Blog....this is about me.

Hello my name is Chantelle and here is a little about me and my story.  I'm currently married to the most wonderful man in the world, we have been together for 17 years and married for over 12 years.  What a journey it has been for us, we have been through so much together.  Like many marriages there is always ups and downs but it's how you CHOOSE to move forward together and we have CHOOSEN to come out much stronger as individuals and as a couple.  He pushes me to do my best and supports me in everything I do even if I have failed, he pulls me back up and encourages me to keep going and follow my dreams.  I'm one lucky girl!

We have two beautiful daughters, a 9 year old and a 4 soon to be 5 year old.  They are truely the center of our world.  We absolutely love being parents and enjoy every moment with them, we can't get over how fast life is going and how fast our girls are growing up.  Next year both of them will be in school full time as our little one will be entering Kindergarten, that means my whole world will be changing.  We also have a dog named Kona who is also a big part of our family, he is a Vizsla and if anyone knows this kind of breed you know he is crazy most of the time.  He is either going 100 miles an hour or passed out taking a nap.  He loves to be active and keeps us on our toes all the time.

As for me I'm currently a stay-at-home mom who loves to be in charge of the household.  I'm consistent with having my family on a schedule as life is always busy.  I enjoy creating weekly food menus for myself and the family, cooking and experiment in the kitchen has become one of my new favorite hobbies.  We recently moved to a new state and city due to my husbands job for relocation, that has been a rather difficult change as we left many family members and friends behind.  I have learned and continue to learn that sometimes change is for the better, in this case it has been amazing for us.  We have really embraced our new surroundings and absolutely love were we now live.  With moving only days before school started and going though the holiday season we are finally settling in and it's starting to feel like home.  I have recently got back into running when I can fit it in.  I also enjoy competing in running races and in Triathlons, it's been a while since I have actually raced due to all the changes going on in our lives and I'm okay with that.  It's something I will get back into once life is so called "Normal" again.

I'm excited about trying something new by creating this personal blog to write and share about daily challenges and how to balance life as busy mom.  I will be posting various things from my weekly food menus, links to various websites I love to use, heath and fitness, training schedules, family stuff, motivation, goals, home projects and more.  I hope you will grow with me and my family as we embark on this journey that is worth sharing to others.  Thank you for taking the time to read this and please share any comments or thoughts on any of my future posts.

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Weekly Food Menu - 1.15.24 to 1.21.24 (Clean Eating)

Healthy Eating Weekly Food Menu Monday: 1/15/24 Meal 1: Chocolate Chip Banana Baked Oatmeal Recipe Link: