Friday, February 15, 2019

DIY Easy Farmhouse Table Center Piece

It’s been a while since I have done my own center piece project, so I was very excited to put a new one together for our new front living room.  The theme for our room is a Farmhouse style and since our coffee table finally arrived for the middle of the room I could now look at the whole room and see what I wanted to do to decorate and add some color.  So off to Hobby Lobby I went to go and look around at a few floral colors and then some stainless steel pieces like trays, cans and buckets.  I started picking out a few things and piecing them together in the middle of the store to see how everything would come together, that is when I found certain pieces I loved and knew what I was going to do.  I picked up three candle holders, one big one that had a glass container and stainless steel on the outside with beautiful rope, then next to that were two smaller candle holders that were teal and had a different design but I loved the color.  Then I found the small stainless steel tray that was the perfect size and color of what I was looking for so I picked that up too.  Next was trying to decide on the colors of the flowers as it was between Teal or Yellow and White after trying both of them I absolutely fell in love with the yellow and white as that reminded me of being in the country.  I also ended up picking up a bag of grayish larger stones to fill in the center piece to add a little different color.  Now it was time to head home and put it all together and try it out on the new table.

Once I got home I laid everything out and then decided where I wanted each piece to go, I decided to put the two tear green candle holders closer to the handles of the stainless steel tray I got and then I put the bigger stainless steel round candle in the middle.  I filled that up with some of the grayish large rocks, placed the three bouquets of the yellow and white flowers inside and then finished filling it with the rest of the grayish stones.  I found two old white candles that I put inside of the teal candle holders for now to fill them up.   I will be looking for sales for the LED flame less candles when they go on sale to replace the real ones as they are much pretty and I can actually use those vs the real candles.

This whole project took me less than 5 minutes to put together but if you include the set up, pulling off the tags and putting felt on the bottom of the tray the whole thing took me 10 minutes tops.  Everything in this picture (besides the candles) was 50% off at Hobby Lobby so after figuring out each piece this whole thing cost me under $55.00.  I had been looking at center pieces that were in the range of $150.00 to $300.00 so to have this cost me 1/3 of the price was worth it.  I’m very happy with how it turned out and absolutely loved how it added color to our room but didn’t take away from the beautiful color of the table.

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